Tijdens de relaxatieoefening leert de hond om naar hun eigenaar te kijken wanneer hij/zij onzeker is en niet goed weet wat te doen. De relaxatieoefening geeft de hond met andere woorden voorspelbaarheid en vertrouwen. Deze techniek kan worden toegepast om een therapie/training te ondersteunen, maar ook bij gewenning en counterconditionering. Daarenboven is het uitstekend voor de band tussen hond en eigenaar.
In het begin lijkt deze relaxatieoefening misschien gewoon een reeks zit- en blijf-oefeningen, maar het is meer dan dat. De relaxatieoefening is een waardevol hulpmiddel om een hypere, overalerte of angstige hond in een rustige en ontspannen sfeer te brengen. Bovendien leert het de hond om rustig te blijven in te drukke en/of spannende situaties.
Onderaan deze blog vind je een overzicht van alle oefeningen die je elke dag moet uitvoeren, dit gedurende 15 dagen. Daarna ga je op een andere locatie de relaxatieoefening uitvoeren, waarbij je de relaxatieoefening van het begin herhaalt.
Bij elke dag staat wat je moet doen en hoelang een oefening dient te worden uitgevoerd. Als je kan, oefen met een familielid die je kan voorlezen wat de volgende stap is. Train je alleen? Print het uit en plaats het op een boekenhouder (zo eentje waar je je kookboek in rechthoudt) of op een opengeklapte laptop.
Karen Overall’s Relaxation Protocol of relaxatieoefening kan helpen met:
- Overenthousiaste begroetingen van een hond (ze kunnen leren om op hun mat te blijven wanneer iemand aanbelt).
- Honden die weinig impulscontrole en lage frustratiegrens hebben.
- Honden met een hoog energieniveau.
- Opdringerige honden (een hond op de mat is een hond die niet kwijlt op tante Leontine tijdens het kerstdiner).
- Reactieve honden (naar andere honden).
- Competitie honden (rust vinden om mat voor en na wedstrijd).
- Bij de dierenarts.
- In openbare plaatsen en drukke plekken (op de bus of trein, op café of buiten de winkel,…).
- Angstige honden die moeilijk rust vinden of moeilijk herstellen na een stressvolle situatie.
Voor de relaxatieoefening hoef je geen gekke ballen of speciale tuigjes aan te schaffen. Slechts 3 items heb je nodig om de taak tot een goed eind te brengen:
- Mat/kussen/deken/… Het maakt niet uit hoe je het noemt, het maakt niet uit hoe het eruit ziet, zolang je hond een herkenbare plaats/voorwerp heeft waar de oefening op kan uitgevoerd worden. Ik raad aan om een mat of deken te kiezen dat nieuw is voor je hond en dat makkelijk kan meegenomen worden wanneer je de oefening verplaatst naar een andere locatie. Werk je thuis graag op zijn nest of kussen? Geen probleem, leg de mat of deken erover. LET OP: de mat mag niet op de grond of kussen blijven liggen na de relaxatieoefening. De bedoeling is dat als de mat op de grond ligt, de hond erop gaat liggen en blijft liggen, waar dan ook.
- Snoep/beloning: de beloning moet ietwat afgesteld worden op de hond. De beloning is de motivator en moet dus lekker genoeg zijn om ervoor te willen werken. Als de hond de beloning niet ziet als een beloning, zal zijn/haar aandacht er niet bij blijven. Is de beloning té lekker, dan zal de hond moeite hebben om te blijven liggen, omdat hij/zij de hele tijd achter het snoep aan wil. Zorg er dus voor dat je de beloning kiest die ergens tussen die twee uitersten ligt. Het snoep mag ook niet te groot zijn. Ten eerste zodat de hond niet te snel verzadigd geraakt en dus opnieuw minder makkelijk zal verder werken. Als je de hond zijn voer gebruikt als beloning bij trainingen (en hij/zij dus verder niets anders krijgt), dan kunnen je beloningen iets groter zijn. De tweede reden waarom het snoep niet te groot gesneden mag zijn, is omdat je hond zijn/haar aandacht enkel daarop zal gefocust zijn en niet op jou.
***Wist-je-dat: snoep of voer met een hoog proteïne-gehalte het brein kan helpen om te ontspannen? - Clicker: indien je hond de clicker kent, is dit een handige tool om je hond te belonen tijdens de relaxatieoefening
Aandachtspunten tijdens de relaxatieoefening:
- Hou je hand met het snoepje stil en achter je rug, zodat hond de aandacht op jou houdt en niet op het snoep
- Zwaai je hand(en) (met de snoep) niet de hele tijd in de lucht. Dit brengt de hond in de war, wat het tegenovergestelde is van wat je probeert te bereiken;
- Het is belangrijk om zelf kalm te zijn. Je hond zal foutjes maken, maar dit is geen reden tot frustratie. Dit is niet persoonlijk op te vatten door de eigenaar. Noch bij deze relaxatieoefening, noch bij een andere trainingen.
- Beloon de hond enkel als hij/zij de taak perfect uitvoert, niet eerder. Is dit niet mogelijk, dan kan je de “shaping” methode toepassen. Dit wil zeggen dat je gedrag beloont dat al in de buurt komt van het uiteindelijke resultaat, om vervolgens enkel nog te belonen voor gedrag dat dichterbij de het einddoel aanleunt, enzovoort tot je enkel nog de perfect uitgevoerde taak beloont.
- Belangrijk om de relaxatieoefening te doen slagen, is de geschikte beloning en consistentie! Dit wil zeggen dat als er gevraagd wordt om 15 à 20 minuten te trainen, 1 à 2 maal per dag, je enkel moet trainen zolang jij en je hond het leuk vinden en zichzelf amuseren. Met andere woorden, als je 6 maal 5 minuten traint, is dit ook goed. Het tempo van jou en vooral van de hond dient gerespecteerd te worden.
- Wanneer de hond de relaxatieoefening goed uitvoert op 1 plek, kies je een volgende situatie uit waar je de taak nogmaals uitvoert, van in het begin. Verhuis in huis bijvoorbeeld naar elke kamer, voor je in de tuin en daarbuiten gaat trainen.
- Verandering van locatie is een uitdaging, maar ook veranderen van begeleider verhoogt de uitdaging voor de hond. Laat dus alle familieleden de relaxatieoefening uitvoeren.
- Eindig elke relaxatieoefening positief! Dit is uiterst belangrijk. Zowel bij deze als elke andere training. Merk je dat je hond het moeilijk heeft? Blijf geduldig en wanneer het nogmaals lukt, stop je de relaxatieoefening.
- Bedenk dat de hond je heel wat signalen zal geven over hoe hij zich voelt (lees zeker andere blogs over lichaamstaal). De bedoeling is om de fysieke verandering van ontspanning en geluk en alle psychologische onderliggende emoties hiervan te belonen. Het lichaam van de hond mag dus niet stijf zijn en ook mondhoeken en kaken moeten ontspannen zijn. De oren mogen alert zijn, maar de positie ervan ontspannen (verschilt van ras tot ras).
We willen dus geen angst, spanning, agressie of ontwijking belonen. Dit zal ten koste gaan van je relaxatieoefening en andere trainingen. - Tot slot, zal je hieronder zien dat elke oefening een ‘puntje’ is. Na elk puntje, dus na elke oefening, dient de hond beloont te worden. Al dan niet voorafgegaan met een “klik”.
***Wist-je-dat: in het leerproces van vele honden, hun gedrag eerst erger wordt voor het betert? Hou dus vol en vooral blijf rustig!
Vond je deze blog ‘Relexatieoefening voor honden’ interessant?! Dan vind je “Ademhaling bij honden” vast ook leerijk!
Op zoek naar het geschikte matje of ander materiaal? Vind het bij Amazon of in onze webshop!
Op onze facebook pagina en youtube kanaal passeren regelmatig nuttige tips. Onze podcast is ook een aanrader.
Day 1: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 1 step back and return
- Down while you take 2 steps back and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 1 step to the right and return
- Down while you take 1 step to the left and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 2 steps back and return
- Down while you take 2 steps to the right and return
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you take 2 steps to the left and return
- Down while you clap your hands softly once
- Down while you take 3 steps back and return
- Down while you count out loud to 10
- Down while you clap your hands softly once
- Down while you count out loud to 20
- Down while you take 3 steps to the right and return
- Down while you clap your hands softly twice
- Down for 3 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you take 1 step back and return
- Down for 3 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 3 seconds
Day 2: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 1 step back and return
- Down while you take 3 steps back and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 3 steps to the right and return
- Down while you take 3 steps to the left and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 3 steps to the right and clap your hands
- Down while you take 3 steps to the left and clap your hands
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you walk one fourth of the way around the dog to the right
- Down while you take 4 steps back
- Down while you walk one fourth of the way around the dog to the left
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you take 5 steps back from the dog, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog quietly in place for 3 seconds
- Down while you jog quietly in place for 5 seconds
- Down while you jog quietly in place for 10 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog one fourth of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you jog one fourth of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
Day 3: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you take 2 steps backward and return
- Down while you jog 5 steps backward from the dog and return
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you take 10 steps backward and return
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you take 10 steps to the left and return
- Down while you take 10 steps to the right and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the left, clapping your hands, and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right, clapping your hands, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog 10 steps to the right and return
- Down while you job 10 steps to the left and return
- Down while you jog in place for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you jog in place for 20 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog backward 5 steps and return
- Down while you jog to the right 5 steps and return
- Down while you jog to the left 5 steps and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you walk halfway around the dog to the right, clapping your hands
Day 4: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog backward 5 steps and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you jog halfway around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you jog halfway around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you jog backward 5 steps, clapping your hands, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you clap your hands for 20 seconds
- Down while you move quickly backward 10 steps and return
- Down while you move quickly 15 steps backward and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you jog halfway around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you jog halfway around the dog to the left and return ‘
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you walk all the way around the dog
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you walk around the dog, quietly clapping your hands, and then return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you jog quickly around the dog
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands
Day 5: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands, and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you walk around the dog, clapping your hands
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while the doorknob is touched or you move into entryway and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 10 seconds while you jog in place
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance, clapping your hands,
Day 6: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds while you jog back and forth in front of the dog
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down for 20 seconds while jogging
- Down while you walk around the dog
- Down while you walk around the dog, clapping your hands
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down while you open the door or go into the entranceway for 5 seconds and return
- Down while you open the door or go into the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly backward, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you go to an entrance and just touch the doorknob or wall and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway and return
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you open the door or go though the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 5 seconds
Day 7: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down while you take 10 steps backward and return
- Down while you walk around the dog
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway and then return
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway and return
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down while you jog in place for 10 seconds
- Down while you jog three fourths of the way to the right and return
- Down while you jog three fourths of the way to the left and return
- Down while you go through the door or the entranceway, clapping your hands, and return
- Down while you open the door or go through the entranceway for 10 seconds and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
Day 8: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
- Down while you back up 15 steps and return
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair (placed 5 feet from the dog)
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
- Down while you back up 15 steps and return
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 30 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair near the dog
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds while you jog and clap your hands
- Down for 15 seconds while you run around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you turn around
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair near the dog
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
Day 9: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds while you turn around
- Down for 5 seconds while you jog
- Down while you walk around the dog
- Down while you jog around the dog
- Down while you jog around the dog, clapping your hands
- Down while you jog twice around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair near the dog
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you bend down and touch your toes
- Down while you stretch your arms
- Down while you stretch your arms and jump once
- Down while you touch your toes 5 times
- Down while you stretch your arms and jump 3 times
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
Day 10: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap
- Down for 10 seconds while you touch your toes
- Down for 15 seconds while you down in a chair
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
- Down while you walk approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the right and return
- Down while you walk quickly 15 steps to the left and return
- Down while you approximately 20 steps to an entrance and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 15 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 5 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
Day 11: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 10 seconds, and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you jog around the dog
- Down while you walk around the dog
- Down while you jog around the dog
- Down while you jog around the dog, clapping your hands
- Down while you jog twice around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
Day 12: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair near the dog
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 15 seconds
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the right and return
- Down while you move three fourths of the way around the dog to the left and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds and return
- Down while you circle the dog and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” and return
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” wait 3 seconds, turn
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds and return
Day 13: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you hum
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down while you disappear from view for 20 seconds and return
- Down while you disappear from view for 25 seconds and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you down in a chair near the dog
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, knock quickly but softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you jog around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down for 5 seconds while you jog in place
- Down while you jog around the dog, humming
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, down in a chair for 5 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” wait 5 seconds and return
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you jog around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down for 5 seconds while you jog in place
- Down while you jog around the dog, humming
Day 14: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down while you run around the dog
- Down while you walk back and forth to the door
- Down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down while you run around the dog
- Down while you walk back and forth to the door
- Down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view for 10 seconds, knock softly on the wall, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, and immediately retur
- Down while you disappear from view, ring the doorbell, wait 2 seconds, and return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” wait 10 seconds, return
- Down for 30 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” wait 10 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” wait 10 seconds, and return
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down for 20 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” wait 10 seconds
Day 15: Dog’s Task – relaxatieoefening
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down while you disappear from view, knock or ring the doorbell, say “hello,” talk for 10 seconds, and return
- Down for 20 seconds while you hum
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” invite the imaginary person in, wait 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 10 seconds
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” invite the imaginary person in, wait 10 seconds, and return
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” talk (as if to someone) for 5 seconds, and return
- Down for 5 seconds while you clap your hands and hum
- Down while you run around the dog
- Down while you walk back and forth to the door
- Down while you leave the room, quickly knock or ring the doorbell, and return
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you leave the room, knock or ring the doorbell for 3 seconds, and return
- Down while you leave the room and knock or ring the doorbell for 5 seconds
- Down while you leave the room and talk for 3 seconds to people who are not there
- Down while you leave the room and talk for 5 seconds to people who are not there
- Down while you leave the room and talk for 10 seconds to people who are not there
- Down while you run around the dog
- Down for 10 seconds while you down in a chair
- Down for 30 seconds while you down in a chair
- Down for 15 seconds while you clap your hands and jog
- Down for 5 seconds
- Down while you disappear from view, say “hello,” invite the imaginary person in, wait 10seconds